Here is the detailed changelog for zzEPG 0.73. This is a major update, you should try it, there are many nice improments inside waiting for you to try them :)
Changelog (+ - new feature, # - fix, * - change) :
+ your computer can be set to wake up or turn on 15 minutes before recording - you can customize this in the options window
+ the "Now on the TV" window is now showing the TV icons - if they are available in the TVIcons folder - instead of just names (this can be set in the options)
+ Favorite TV programs notifier in MSN style - you can set when should it notify you, and how it should behave during full screen apps
+ channel changing CTRL-ALT-PageDown and CTRL-ALT-PageUp hotkeys: they will jump to the next or previous channel which has number - if zzEPG is linked to your TV program, now it is possible to set your remote controller to switch channels through zzEPG
* changed the way TV channel icons are showing in the main window - this way it is much easier to add a picture which will integrate much nicer into the interface
* the changelog is now inside the Data folder named whatsnew.txt
* the "Now on the TV" window has a different pulsating color if the next program is just a favorite or it is going to be recorded (orange and red)
* clicking in the main window's statusbar on the next favorite or next recordable program brings up the notifier with all the favorite programs in the future
* in the EPG window clicking the scrollbar to page-left or page-right will scroll left or right with 1/4 of the visible area
* zzEPG can only be run in one instance
# UEVK function sometimes turned on on channel change
# searching on www.port.hu now works fine with non ASCII chars too
# the "Now on the TV" window will come up even if its last, saved position is outside the visible area
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