zzEPG 0.71 is available

Only in hungarian, but you are free to click around and discover its features, and you will use it like a pro in minutes :)

Changelog (+ - new feature, # - fix, * - change) :

+ UEVK (U Bet that I'm on Top) mode: pressing the CTRL-ALT-U hotkey will change zzEPG to this special mode; as the name hints, in this mode it will be always on top of every window transparently - moving the mouse above any of its window will make it not transparent untill the mouse leaves the area; this is especially usefull with tuner programs using VMR mode
+ supporting DScaler 4 and KMPlayer
+ changelog is visible in the options window
# quick search not always worked in the main window
* quick search will only show results which channel has a channel number assosiated to them
+ added showing channel name in the info tooltip at several places
# fixing the settings window button (sometimes it stayed pressed)
* entirely rewritten the tuner programs channel changing code: now it sends the numpad numbers, this way more TV programs are supported (like KMPlayer)
# some different language texts changes
* several new icons
+ the TV program's info tooltip comes up in the main window too, showing detailed info about the current program

You can download it here.

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